Vicente de Cadenas y Vicent



The Most Excellent Señor Don Vicente de Cadenas y Vicent, was born in Madrid on the twenty-ninth of April 1915 and died on the twenty-first of December 2005. He was the son of Don Francisco de Cadenas y Gaztañaga and Donna Vicenta Vicent y Nogues. Commencing in 1932 he studied the fields of history, journalism and theology at the University of Madrid, and additionally studied the artistry and craft bookbinding to became a master bookbinder. He maintained dual professions as both the Chronicler of Arms and as a journalist.


Don Vicente held fellowships in the following society heraldic and genealogical societies:


Heraldic College, Italy (1953);

Brazilian Genealogical Institute (1953);

International Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry, Spain (1953);

Institute of Salazar and Castro, Spain (1954).

Academy of Genealogy and Heraldry of Mota Padilla, Mexico (1954);

Chilean Institute of Genenealogical Investigation (1954);

Heraldic Council of Luxembourg, (1955);

Argentine Institute of Genealogical Sciences (1955);

International Academy of Heraldry, France (1955-2000);

Italian Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry (1958-1993);

Guayaquil Institute of Genealogy, Ecuador (1958);

The Heraldic Genealogical Society, Nobles, Austria (1960);

American Society of Heraldry, USA (1965);

Guatemalan Academy of Genealogy and Heraldry (1967);

Venezuelan Institute of Genealogy (1968):

Genealogical Corporation  of Salt Lake, USA (1970);

Nicaraguan Academy of Genealogical Sciences (1976);

StudiumAccademia of Casale and of Monferrato (1985)

Association of Owners of Certifications of Genealogy, Nobility and Coat of Arms issued by the Corps of the Chronicler King of Arms of Spain (1990);

Institute of Italian Genealogy and Heraldry (1993);

International Commission for Orders of Chivalry (2003);


Other associations in which Don Vicente held membership:


Association of Friends of the Castilleans;

Society of Mediaevalists;

Spanish Vexilological Association


Orders, noble corporations and prizes


Knight of the Royal and Loyal Order of Saint Charles Borromeo (Legitimate Carlists);

Bailiff Grand Cross of the Sacred Military Order of Costantinian Saint George with Collar (Two Sicilies);

Kinght of the Royal Order of Saint Januarius (Two Sicilies);

Commander of the Order of Our Lady of the Conception of Vila Viçosa (Portugal)

Commander of the Order of  Saint Sava (Yugoslavia);

Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Civil Merit (Kingdom of Spain);

Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Cattolic (Kingdom of Spain);

Confrère of the Venerable and Noble Archconfraternity of the Holy Apostles (Italy);

The Infante Don Alfonso Duke of Calabria International Prize.


Offices held in genealogical and nobiliary bodies


President of the Association of Owners of Certifications of Genealogy, Nobility and Coat of Arms issued by the Corps of the Chronicler King of Arms of Spain;

Vice Director of the Salazar and Castro Institute;

Secretary General of the International Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry;

Secretary General of the Association of Legal Nobles of Spain;

Fellow of International Commission for Orders of Chivalry;

Senator Accademician for the History of the StudiumAccademia of  Casale and of Monferrato.


Other Professional Affiliations


Editor of the Journal Nobility (Rivista Hidalguía);

Former Director of the School of Genealogy, Heraldry and Nobility

Honoraryy Director of the School of Genealogy, Heraldry and Documentary Sciences;

President of the Editorial Board of the publication Nobility (Nobiltà), journal of heraldry, genealogy and chivalric orders.



